Friday, January 30, 2009

Fresh Start

I have this feeling that things are changing in life, in my life and in the life of Joan and I as a couple. Hopefully for the better. I want to change up my writing style and have more fun with this blog so in the future check this one: it will be continuation of this one.
I may come back to this one but who knows! save the new address in your blog roll!

thanks peeps

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm baaack

Back to work and back to life in Spain. Suprisingly I'm not as depressed as I thought I would be. Maybe its because I had such a great time and soaked up every minute with my friends and family. You would think that would mean I would be really sad and depressed but It's not that bad. I'm more sad and depressed about work. Things are crazy and seemed to fall apart while I was gone. I'm here now trying to pick up all the pieces and get the job done which isnt easy if you know the people I work with!
As for the trip I have a ton of photos that I will probably post when I can. Joan's laptop has been cold and dead for a couple weeks now and we may get a new one this weekend if the budget allows....I so hope it does. Right now Joan is at the Univesity studying for his exam that he has tonight, I told him I was jealous and he told me I was crazy. I need to finish school for goodness sake! I want to start at Dublin University Online this fall but if I want to have a wedding in Jan 2010 I don't know if I can unless the boss decides to give us a raise, which we both really really need. After returning from America I'm just so ready to move or do something else, my friends joke because Ive never stayed more than a year and a half someplace and they are so right. I'll have to wait and see what the next couple of months have in store for me before I make any rash decisions.
Back to work and I promise to upload pics and tell you the stories of the vacation asap!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Much Time

Ive finally managed to sneak away and grab some computer time, but I don't have much to work with. The house is full and I have people to spend time with, however I ama dedicated blogger and don't want to get to far behind. I need to fill you in on the plane ride (10 hours) and everything since Thursday but that post will need some serious concentration and like I said, I don't have much time.

I would like to say I love America,my family and my wonderful friends. Time is flying by far to quickly and before I know it I will be back in Spain once again. It's incredible the difference a year makes. My life is there now, I'm with Joan, all my cousins are so big now; deeper voices, driving, girls. My little brother is capable of having gerat conversation, Madison is so grown up at 4 and my friends are almost through with school. We're all growing up.
Another thing that-s overwhelming is all the options. America is much bigger than I remember. Even going to the grocery store today, I was overhwhelmed by all my options. 35 different kinds of cereal, 18 choices of maple syrup, 23 types of bread. I'm not used to that anymore and I can't decide if thats good or bad.

So far I've been to Olive Garden, Chilis, Corner Cafe, Starbucks and The Cheesecake Factory-I'm loving the food! Tonight we're going to dinner but not sure where. I promise to give all the details soon, maybe next week if I have time.

Hope all is well!
